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Reiki 1 & 2 With Marcus Feighery

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Learn how to use this wonderful God like energy for self-healing and the healing of others and how to feel and work with this beautiful gift that in my opinion was passed down from Jesus and other ascended masters.

"Hi Marcus,
Just wanted to let you know that I had the pleasure of attending a Reiki 1 & 2 class at your store on Saturday with 3 new people in my life. I had a wonderful day with all of you and learned a lot more than I thought the day would bring. I will be attending other classes as you have them and hope to see you soon!
Many thanks,
– Maryann B."

Reiki 1 with Marcus

In this class you will be attuned to the energies so that you will be able to give a full treatment to others or to yourself. You will learn:

  • A brief history and how it was passed down
  • How to set up a practice and charge others for this service.
  • How to increase your psychic abilities.


Reiki 2 with Marcus

In this class you will be attuned and learn how to use the three Reiki 2 symbols. These symbols increase the power of the attunement. In this class you will learn:

  • A brief review from Reiki 1; the hand positions
  • Giving a complete treatment for self and others
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiji-ho – developing your intuition
  • Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed
  • Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes
  • Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki
  • Kenyoku – dry bathing or clearing ones energy field
  • Jacki-kiri Joka-ho, clearing objects of negative energy
  • Using Reiki for specific conditions
  • The Reiki II symbols, how to use them with practice time
  • Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits
  • Distant healing (how to send healing to your past and others at a distance)

These classes are a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete treatment using all the hand positions, the self treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Techniques mentioned above.
Price: $275 for both classes (a $75 savings); this includes the manual used by the International for Reiki Training and the Reiki 1 & 2 Certificates.
(or by private appointment $400)

For anyone who argues that these classes should be taught separate, research shows that both classes were taught back to back in the days of the original masters.

Store Location 

  • 1511 Route 22, Unit #C6
  • Brewster, NY 10509
  • 845-363-1765

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