Trying something new, here's this week's reading for the collective:
This week is packed with cosmic foreshadowing, offering a sneak preview of the transformative energy headed our way as Pluto ventures through change-maker Aquarius—for the first time in our lifetimes! Yep, you heard that right...this week holds some major astrology transits of 2024, so buckle up!
A recap of the week so far:
Kicking off the week, Mercury, the planet of the mind, took a dip into Aquarius on February 4, fueling us with mental stamina and innovative problem-solving skills. But you might have still felt more set in your ways than usual. Then, on February 5, Mercury and Pluto met up in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime, sparking curiosity about our own psychology and leading to potentially transformative insights. It's a time for healing and catharsis, as we dive deep into buried emotions and long-held beliefs. February 6 brought some karmic vibes as Venus clashes with the lunar nodes, offering opportunities for experimental connections in our relationships.
For today:
February 7 sees Venus dancing with Uranus in Taurus, encouraging us to take risks for unexpected blessings. As if that's not enough, energetic Mars also forms a supportive aspect with dreamy Neptune on February 7, reminding us that bringing our dreams to life requires action, not just visualization.
The rest of the week:
As the sun squares off with Uranus on February 8, we're urged to embrace our authenticity and stand out from the crowd. Meanwhile, the moon and Pluto conjoin in Aquarius, highlighting our relationship with power and control. Then, on February 9, we have a powerful new moon in Aquarius, which amplifies a desire for freedom and spontaneity. But on February 10 Mercury squares Jupiter, reminding us to stay open-minded and avoid overcommitting.
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