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About Michael


Call us at (845) 363-1765 to book over the phone, or click the "Request an appointment with Michael" button to submit your booking request online:

Michael has been studying and teaching spirituality and Metaphysics for over 20 years and has been an active member of a spiritual Mystery School since 2006. He has studied with some of the most prominent people in the alternative healing and spiritual world. He specializes in getting people “un-stuck” from unhealthy patterns and emotional upsets and helping them have an experience of their “higher self”. Michael has over 3,000 hours of training in alternative healing and spirituality. He has certifications as a Regression and Past-life regression therapist, RoHun Practitioner, Barbara Brennan energy healer, and TAT Practitioner.

Michael can be available to meet clients over the phone, with readings 60 min $145.

Additional insights from Michael:

"For over 20 years I have been able to hear messages from spiritual guides from the Higher Realms. As I have deepened my spiritual practice these messages got clearer and came from many sources including spiritual guides, the angelic realm, the ascended masters, etc. These beings from the Higher Realms look at your life from a spiritual perspective and see the larger picture. They can access all the records of you including other lifetimes as well as your experiences in the spiritual realms after physical death.

These sessions can help you with the direction of your future. To create a blueprint to help you take your next, natural steps in a progression of growth and ascension into your higher consciousness. To help you lift the veils of illusion and false identification with the narrower aspects of self. To help you see your blind spots. To support and verify your own intuition. To reveal your true nature and provide clarity, direction and healing.

This information is often very specific and very practical. I never know exactly what I am going to get but it is always relevant and informative and if the information is put into use, life changing."

Store Location 

  • 1511 Route 22, Unit #C6
  • Brewster, NY 10509
  • 845-363-1765

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